Posts by agromet
ONE WEEK TRAINING COURSE OF AGROMECHATRONICS FOR FOREIGNER AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS The short course for getting acquainted with academic discipline of “AgroMechatronics” from 8 to 13 February was held for Agricultural students of JAME University-Herat (Afghanestan) in Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. The course content was divided into three parts: theory, practice and visit,…
Read MoreThe remarkable success of a MSc student in the first Virtual Summer School on “Sustainable Agriculture”
The remarkable success of a MSc student in the first Virtual Summer School on “Sustainable Agriculture” Ms Syedeh Saeedeh Ghadirinejad Postgraduate student in Plant Protection (Entomology) was able to successfully complete most of the course’s held at the first Summer School of Sustainable Agriculture and received 6 certificates from the TU-Ilmenau (Representative of EU in…
Read MoreHolding Summer School on “Sustainable Agriculture”
The first Summer School on “Sustainable Agriculture”, relying on agromatronics concepts has been held internationally from July 1-15, 2019, along with the objectives of the Erasmus+ project for Fostering Internationalisation in Agricultural Engineering in Iran and Russia [FARmER]. Several academic staff from universities in Germany (Technical University Ilmenau), Italy (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila), Slovakia (Slovak…
Read MorePlatov South-Russian State Polytechnic University, Novocherkassk, Rostov region, Russian Federation
Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) is the first institution of higher education established as Don Polytechnic Institute in the South of Russia more than 100 years ago (in ۱۹۰۷) The University comprises 10 faculties, Graduate School of Management, Institute of International Education, 2 colleges, 17 research laboratories, 4 centers for collective use; and Cross-Sectoral…
Read MoreVolgograd State Technical University, Russian Federation
Volgograd State Technical University is a Flagship University of Volgograd Region. The University consists of 7 faculties, 3 affiliates, 1 institute, 1 technopark, , 3 representative offices, postgraduate and doctoral training programmes, departments that carry out educational, scientific, research, or creative activity, structural divisions of further vocational education, extra-curricular and pedagogical work, preparatory courses, a…
Read MoreSouth Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
South Ural State University is the center for educational, scientific, cultural and athletic activities in the city Chelyabinsk and the region. Founded in 1943 as Chelyabinsk Mechanical Engineering Institute, the university was reorganized into Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute in 1951, and in 1990 it became the Chelyabinsk State Technical University.Since 1997, the university is known as…
Read MoreStavropol State Agrarian University, Russian Federation
Stavropol State Agrarian University is one of the largest agrarian universities in Russia with an 85 years history and is one of the best according to the rating held by Russian Ministry of Education. It is the leading educational, scientific and production cluster in the South of Russia. The university offers more than 100 study…
Read MoreAstrakhan State University, Russian Federation
ASU is one of the most dynamically developing innovative universities in Eastern Europe, combining pure academic traditions and modern technology. ASU is very active outside Russia. We provide brief language courses, student exchanges, joint research and innovation projects, combined undergraduate courses, international conferences and other events together with our partner universities from Finland, Italy, Croatia,…
Read MoreBabol Noshirvsni University of Technology, Iran
The Scientific Collaborations and International Affairs of Babol Noshirvani University of Technology has been established in 2009 and started its activity seriously in the same year as an independent directorate under the direct supervision of the chancellor of the university. It provides the required fields for developing internal and external relations and academic cooperation between…
Read MoreSari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Iran
SANRU University is located in the northern part of Iran and close to the Caspian Sea in city of Sari, Mazandaran Province. The origin of university can be traced to the “College of Agricultural Engineering” which was established in 1974. This junior college was covering Agricultural Science, Forestry, Range management and Animal Sciences courses. In…
Read MoreSlovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
The main task of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA) as the only educational and scientific institution of its kind in Slovakia is to provide university education in accordance with the Bologna strategy on the basis of scientific knowledge in the area of agriculture and related sciences. As the only agricultural university in…
Read MoreUniversità degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy
UNIVAQ counts presently 23.000 students, ۶۴۴ teachers-researchers, 504 administrative and technical staff. After the reform the 9 Faculties were transformed in 7 Departments which, besides research, provide Bachelor, Master and PhD Programmes in the areas Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Humanities, Psychology, Economics, Educational Sciences, Sport Sciences, Biotechnologies. Research is developed in the Departments and in 2…
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